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Early Offers 2023

Heat Participated in Early Offers August 1st - August 10th 2023

What are "Early Offers"?

For the 4th year in a row, Badger Region has decided to allow clubs to retain players from the previous season.  Clubs are allowed to extend an early offer to last year’s players between August 1st and August 10th.

Early offers are not a requirement for clubs to participate in.  It is an option.  Heat has chosen to participate each year that it has been offered for the last 4 seasons.

Please find below Badger Region’s rationale for the early offer opportunity

Badger Region will allow an optional “Retention Period” of Aug. 1-Aug. 10 for clubs to be able to offer a spot in their club for the previous season’s players for the coming season. After 11:59 p.m. CT on Aug. 10, this window closes until the applicable tryout period.

a. Rationale: This policy affords clubs the flexibility to extend early offers to returning club members for the purpose(s) of player retention, budgeting, and other logistics, securing and training coaches, etc. The August window was chosen to avoid conflicts with both the club and high school seasons for the athletes. This opportunity can help relieve some of the anxiety and stress of tryouts for players who already know that they will be able to return to their club. This is done at the club’s discretion and the Region will have no involvement in the specifics of this process, including if a club chooses to offer this option, who is offered, who is not offered, and if the club offers a spot within the club or on a specific team. It is up to the family to decide if this is the best option for them, with the understanding that commitment during this time period is binding to the club for the entire season, per the Badger Region tryout and commitment policy.

Results of Heat's 2023-2024 Season early offers

Below you will find which positions were filled via an early offer during August 1st-August 10th 2023 and which positions each Coach is still looking to fill during our October and November 2023 tryouts.

11 Red Girls - 2 positions filled, still looking for all positions

12 Red Girls - 7 positions filled, still looking for 2 OH, RS 

12 Black Girls - 0 positions filled, still looking for all positions

13 Red Girls - 10 positions filled.  Still looking for 0 positions

13 Black Girls - 1 positions filled, still looking for all positions

14 Red Girls - 6 positions filled.  Still looking for 

14 Black Girls -  1position filled. Still looking for all positions

14 Blue Boys -  5 positions filled.  Still looking for 

15 Red Girls -  7 positions filled.  Still looking for: 1 Setter, 1 DS, 1 any player

15 Black Girls - 1 OH, 1 RS, 1 MB, 1 libero, 1 setter filled.  Still looking for 5 positions:  .

15 White Girls - 1 DS/L, 1 OH, 1 RS filled. Still looking for 2 setters, DS/L, 2 MB, OH, RS.

16 Red Girls - 1 OH, 1 setter, 1 DS/Libero, 1 RS.  Still looking for:  setter, DS/L, OH, MB, RS.

16 Black Girls - 1 OH, 1 OH/DS, 2 MB, 1 RS filled.  Still looking for: Libero, DS, RS, 2 setters.

17 Red Girls -  2 Set, 2 OH, 2 RS, 1 MB, 2 L/DS filled.  Still looking for: 1 MB.

17 Black Girls - 1 OH, 1 MB, 1 setter, 2 DS filled.  Still looking for: 1 MB, 1 OH, 1 RS, 1 DS, 1 utility. 

17/18 Red Girls - 7 filled.  Still looking for 3 players: .

Jodi Bunks

Have Questions about tryouts? Reach out to Jodi Bunks

Phone: 920-931-5911